Archive for September, 2011

There are advantages to having multiples

Posted on September 18, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , |


They are finally here!  The many doctor’s appointments, the pregnancy and births went well and now you are enjoying so many of the experiences around raising your multiples.  Following are some thoughts which parents of multiples have shared about what they enjoy about having multiples.

  1. One pregnancy can mean an instant family.
  2. A unique parenting experience at every stage.
  3. The children have each other as playmates and a source of entertainment, and as they grow older may play freely for longer periods.
  4. A wider variety of games can be played because of built-in playmates, e.g. tag, board games, playing school, etc.
  5. Parents have two or more little faces looking up at them at once with love and affection.  Multiply the giggles, kisses and hugs.
  6. Many of life’s lessons are built-in with multiples:  sharing, negotiation, waiting your turn, compromise, learning a task from the other, e.g. getting dressed.
  7. One of life’s challenges is the fear of being alone.  Multiples are never alone unless they choose to be.
  8. The children may take the same programs and activities on certain occasions, which gives them the security of a buddy, makes the family schedule simpler and which may include less driving.
  9. If it works for everyone, only one birthday party a year.
  10. They can potentially be best friends.
  11. There can be a special sense of status with being a multiple.
  12. A special bond and friendship is often experienced between the  multiples themselves.
  13. The joy of growing up together.
  14. Interesting for a parent to watch them grow and develop.
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