Posted on June 25, 2018. Filed under: Multiple Birth, Quadruplets, quintuplets, raising multiples, Triplets, Twins, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , |

Sometimes multiple-birth babies need to spend time in the NICU.  Their stay may last a couple of days, to weeks and if they are very premature (before 38 weeks), even months.  Many parents worry about being able to bond with their babies.  It is still possible to bond with them during this time.  Here are some ideas for your consideration.

-Try skin to skin care, also known as Kangaroo Care.  This is when you hold your undressed babies on your bare chest.  Both Moms and Dads/Partners can do this.  This calms babies down, regulates their breathing and keeps them warm.  The babies also learn to recognize your smell.

-It can still be done when they are attached to the monitors.  The staff will help get them into your arms.

-Talk, sing or hum softly to them so they can used to your voice.

-If you cannot hold them, you could still stroke their cheek, hands or legs while they are in their cot.  Don’t forget to also speak to them.  Doesn’t matter what you say, just as long as you are speaking/singing.

-Ask staff when you can take over their care, e.g. dressing them, change of diaper, maybe bathing them.  The amount you can do will increase as the babies mature.

-For times when you are not there, some parents take a T-shirt that they have worn and leave it in the cot with the baby so that the babies can smell them.

-Remember that the babies time in the NICU will come to an end and when they are home with you, the NICU experience will fade and your bonding with your babies will take on a new dimension.

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